It’ll soon be Wimbledon fortnight down in South West London and for some reason I always get extra horny around this time of year, maybe it’s the thought of watching all those tanned fit ladies in short skirts running around. Seems it’s not just me though because there’s a car park just yards from the All England Tennis Club where randy doggers regularly meet for outdoor sex sessions. The park is usually closed during the Tennis Tournament. But one Dogging Action member confirmed it was a popular spot: “We have doggers in Wimbledon Park waiting for dogging men and women to go car dogging after dark with.”
However disgusted locals are now warning the doggers to stop or they’ll take action, a letter pinned to a tree in Wimbledon Park recently said: “To whom this applies. If you can manage to stop using this car park as a location/meeting spot for sexual activity during Wimbledon fortnight then please also refrain for the rest of the year please. As a local resident I am sick and tired of treading in used condoms and tissues every time I walk my dog first thing in the morning. I have also witnessed couples and singles meeting here during daylight hours and disappearing into the bushes next to the park. Wimbledon Park is a family park and any kind of public sexual behaviour in this area is simply not acceptable. If it continues I will alert the police and ask them to step up patrols. Thanking you in advance.”
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