Dogging has been highlighted a lot in mainstream media recently, with scumbag Philpot, the Channel 4 program and a few newspaper articles which always revolve around “angry residents” having their local beauty spots destroyed by doggers. To be honest you can understand their point of view. All these dogging items have used dogging to “sell” their product but only shown a very negative view of dogging. Guy kills his six children, sad fat people wearing masks, beauty spots ruined and it’s all the fault of dogging. That’s the implication of these stories anyway. The Daily Mail for example looks down their noses at doggers in disgust and calls for more to be done to stamp it out, siding with the enraged local residents. But is quite happy to publish titillating details, photos and locations of the dogging spots thereby telling the whole world and his uncle where the best places are to find free sex. They don’t really help the situation do they ?
One recent article published in the Daily Mail tells how one lady walking her dog near The Royal Horticultural Society Gardens at Wisley was terrorised by a man who asked her if she was up for sex, upon reporting it to the police she was dismayed when they showed little interest as it had happened at a PSE. A PSE is what the cops call a dogging spot (Public Sex Environment). Remember it’s not against the law to have sex in a public place nor to meet others with a similar interest and have the intention of having sex. You’ll only get problems if you start interfering with people who aren’t doggers. Now this guy was clearly an idiot, we don’t even know if he was a genuine dogger, his actions seem more that of an opportunistic pervert.
Common sense would dictate that a lone lady out walking her dog in broad daylight (even if it is a dogging spot) is extremely unlikely to be looking to have sex !! If you think about it doggers should feel extremely fortunate that what we do is legal and tolerated (to an extent) by the authorities. We should remember that all our dogging spots are public places first and dogging spots second. Thanks to the Daily Mail that area in Wisley is likely to have many more opportunistic, disturbed or just curious people wandering around now with the genuine doggers having moved on. When a place becomes too well known it ceases to be of use, that’s why we recommend you join a website like Dogging Action where you can meet other GENUINE DOGGERS and find the latest real and safe dogging locations.